Derek Maul: Words & Photographs for the Journey

congregation-hands-raisedListen to my prayer for mercy as I cry out to you for help, as I lift my hands toward your holy sanctuary. – Psalm 26:2

HANDS: The other part of Saturday morning’s excellent small group discussion (see “the gratitude-generosity equation”) revolved around what Christians do with their hands when they pray.

praying-hands-1379173656P80It turned out to be an interesting conversation, especially in light of the hard-to-miss correlation between open hands and open hearts, juxtaposed with the time-honored instruction for Christians to, “Put your hands together and close your eyes…” in order to pray.

But is that the best way to approach God? How do we worship and pray? With hands and hearts open? or closed, with fists clenched tight? or arms folded in the defensive posture we see so many people – men especially – affect so much of the time? Does not God receive us with “arms” wide…

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